Mercelis & Windmill Trophies

Are you ready to attend?

The Trophy Events and related Rules

The Mercelis and Windmill trophies are recognised as the primary trophies making up an IC Week under the rules of the IC Council. Full details are available on the IC Council’s website.

Given the generosity of the AELTC, we have secured a significant number of courts to enable us to run competitions for both the Mercelis and Windwill Trophies and their Consolation events.


Mercelis Trophy

A ladies’ competition with the team comprising:

2 ladies; 1 over 40 and 1 ‘open’.
The format is 2 singles and 1 doubles, resulting in 3 matches.
Each country is restricted to a team of 3 players one of whom should be the captain.

Windmill Trophy

A men’s competition with the team comprising:

2 men over 45 and 2 ‘open’.
The format is 2 singles and 1 doubles, in the 45+ category and 2 singles and 1 doubles in the open category resulting in a total of 6 matches.
Each country is restricted to a team of 5 players one of whom should be the captain.


All players must be members of their ICs and elected a member of their national IC prior to 1st January in the year of the IC Week.

In the Open Category, in order to qualify for an IC week team, eligible players who are between 18-28 years old, must have been a member of their respective IC for two years prior to the event, and they must have played two matches for their IC. Participation in the IC Junior Challenge (in a regional event or in the finals) will count as one match towards this eligibility.

Senior men competing in the Windmill Trophy must have reached the age of 45 during the calendar year in which the Competition is held.

Senior Ladies competing in the Mercelis Trophy must have reached the age of 40 during the calendar year in which the Competition is held.

Consolation Events

The Winnie Wooldridge Cup, presented by the IC of Great Britain, is a Consolation event organised for the teams which lose in the first (and second) of the Mercelis, if the Organising Committee decide there is room in the draw.  The match format is the same as the Mercelis trophy.

The Orsini Trophy, presented by the IC of Italy in 1974, is a Consolation event organised for the teams which lose in the first (and second) of the Windmill, if the Organising Committee decide there is room in the draw.  The match format will be the same as the Windmill trophy.
